jen84: Being a basic operation doesn’t mean I know it You could at least try to read the mxs reference.
by @Swordslayer The getFiles() and getDirectories() methods have a recurse: parameter to indicate whether to recursively search for files or directori…
your naive algorithm checks all verts of one mesh against all verts of another which is slow and inefficient to make it faster you’ll have to use some…
Thanks. I should have mention that. Here’s the example: delete objects shp1 = convertToSplineShape (Rectangle width:100 length:100) shp2 = convertT…
Similar is a very broad term. But you could start from using GetHashValue of their knot positions
Haider_of_Sweden: Edit Mesh modifier Forget about this one. You’ll have to emulate user actions (click or press buttons) in order to make it work…
There’re lots of various sources in SDK files, but not for this particular plugin.
You could either merge ready object from external scene file or serialize and save all non-default value properties and then recreate the object on th…
b = createInstance box b.mesh
if users export files using max interface only (not any sort of scripted exporter) then you can listen to WM_COMMAND message of max main window to det…
Interacting with the 3ds Max User Interface > Filters > class id filter fn dispfilter node = ( isKindOf node Cylinder or isKindOf node Box )…
Interacting with the 3ds Max User Interface > Filters > Selection Filter for i=1 to GetNumberDisplayFilters() do ( format “%: %\n” (GetDisplay…
I can’t imagine writing c++ without some tool to search in sdk files. grepWin isn’t the fastest one but doest its job pretty well изображение.png913…
AEI: create a scene with a object , such as sphere , with the mat , and render it My question isn’t about materials and their previews. . . di…