Hope it is clear enough actionMan.executeAction 0 “40472” — open MAXScript listener fn OnFileCreated sender event_args = ( format “>> %\n”…
Unique name for each rendered frame 3ds Max SDK and MaxScript this is not a batch render. it’s easy. you can rename the files after render …
you can use FileSystemWatcher
It is a good idea to show some of your code when you have a problem with it try (destroydialog X ) catch () rollout X “” ( local items = #( #(“1″…
Lithirium: I need to compare thoses results because I would like to duplicate each object and align them with the right proxy. An object can be alig…
proxy_names = #(“proxy_001_1200x300″,”proxy_002_1200x300″,”proxy_001_1200x400″,”proxy_650x350”) object_names = #(“object_1200x300″,”object_1300x300”,…
get selection center project all verts of the selection to the plane delete objects gc light:true obj = plane widthsegs:7 lengthsegs:7 width:100 len…
GSystems: When creating a new script, the option “Use Monospaced Font” is again turned on. Wow, that was unexpected
In case if you won’t find a setting that turns in on/off put it in startup scripts folder — IDM_MONOFONT Toggle Use Monospaced Font windows.sendM…
I personally hate that kind of code, but it works in 2014 & 2020 fn GetCommandPanelHWND = ( local g = (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface…
max_gap = 0 index = 0 for i=1 to arr.count – 1 where max_gap < (diff = arr[i+1] – arr[i]) do ( max_gap = diff; index = i ) [ max_gap, index, index …
wrapping it with try catch may help if ( try ( ConnectToFTP login pass ) catch ( undefined ) ) != undefined ) do ( … )
I couldn’t make it work in create mode without it throwing an exception ( tested in max 2014 only ) In modify mode it works as expected … DialogMon…
Charlo020: close enough together. if any triangle side of terrain mesh is longer than you would expect – delete this triangle
yes, it won’t work if any point is exactly above of some other point Perhaps it can be fixed if we randomly move points a little before applying terr…