I’m just too lazy to dive into cpp to prototype something, so yeah turns out I’m a fan of c# sdk. I hope AD won’t make c# deprecated too fast.
You can append some trimesh to poly mesh using c# sdk. with redraw off ( g = (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface”).Instance — make a de…
You can probably use #preRender and #postRender callbacks to add and remove these temporary elements, but I failed to make it work. It seems like rend…
Mugga: … but instead use the gbuffer from max. Step 1. Assign g-buffer IDs to layer nodes for i = 0 to LayerManager.count-1 do ( local layer_no…
you can do it using environment variables, but is skips some older max versions ( ev = (dotnetclass “system.environment”).GetEnvironmentVariables() …
delete objects gc() max modify mode f = FreeSpot shadowgenerator:(VRayShadow()) castShadows:true isSelected:true for i = 1 to 5 do ( f.baseobject….
Point3 stored as three float values.
Haider_of_Sweden: Or do you mean scanning the #usermacros folder Knowing the category and macro name it shouldn’t be a problem. But there’s a bet…
I’d look in this folder getdir #usermacros (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface”).Instance.TheMxsEditorInterface.EditorGetDocumentFilename_ …
did you try to google maxscript internet time ?
upd not really working ;(
Too little information. How are you going to check that the new version is available? Parsing script homepage or sending requests to your server? Is y…
Imagine that you have two objects using the same G-Buffer channel but located in different layers. What layer name should be used now in render elemen…
If you want to collect them just to restore them later on use holdMaxFile() & fetchMaxFile()