I think that the global variable value gets updated at the first tick event no matter what interval we set in the timer control. But it needs to be ch…
What if you wait a bit longer before accessing activeMeditSlot ? try DestroyDialog DragAndDropRol catch() rollout DragAndDropRol “Drag and Drop” ( d…
you can actually create a spline without creating a scene node first g = (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface”).Instance KTYPE_AUTO = 0 K…
Unfotunately, it works in global scope only. If you wrap this code with the parentheses it stops working again ( global rcmenu_was_cancelled = true…
Zelcir: the problem is create a material in the mouse position (relative to the sme space). you can use this ugly workaround dragAndDrop.dropPac…
Easier for sure. But you can’t add mxs controls to dotnet form and thus you can’t have texture and material drag-n-drop as you do using rollout
color key is ok for buttons but not for any king of labels global WindowTransparency = ( source = “using System;\n” source += “using System.Runtim…
You can compile c# assembly on the fly, and it should be enough to make it work Example Add SetLayeredWindowAttributes method definition to the above…
Zelcir: i’m trying to do is a custom toolbar With a bit of extra effort you can also make the rollout background transparent Here’s how to
You can check the messages that window receives using Spy++. It is free and it comes with a Visual Studio I guess. Knowing what messages the window e…
You can of course detect this window using DialogMonitorOps But why don’t you just create a group with these base materials? try DestroyDialog d…
What if you resize it? windows.setWindowPos <int HWND> <int x> <int y> <int width> <int height> <bool repaint>
PolyHertz: … but it always returns undefined. DllExport void SetEdgeVis ( int ee, BOOL vis = TRUE ) this method returns nothing so it is o…
definitely this method must be used to get the latest coreinterface (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface”).Instance.UtilGetCOREInterface***