you can use getClassInstances to get all the bitmaps or any other class getClassInstances bitmaptexture target:selection[1] this way you can manipula…
I don’t know python, but shouldn’t it be like this? def on_command_received(self, message): mxs.disableRefMsgs() mxs.execute( “”” some mxs co…
Wheiraucher: just quickly back and forth to some value do you think it will work for turbosmooth iterations spinner?
Wheiraucher: how do I know if this spinner controls the length, the width or the height of a Box? it was discussed earlier, but seems like there’…
I guess spinners context menu is generated at runtime, so you can’t do appendMenu once when it shows for the first time. You’ll have to continuously m…
just strip all the spaces first print (for t in FilterString (substituteString str ” ” “”) “$$” collect FilterString t “=”) #(“NodeName”, “pCube1…
oh, I missed that from your post. I don’t know if maxscript method to select control points exists but here’s what we can do about it that’s what is g…
mmakivic: I get an error. MAXScript reference: There are two special considerations when accessing FFD control points. First, you can only acces…
try to release assets before assigning a new path asset = AssetManager.GetAsset filename #RenderOutput — #RenderOutput for vray vfb paths & #Bit…
Harmalarm: That works great up until you set the spline to rendering “Enable in viewport”. What if you disable ref messages for a moment of shape…
what about something like this? delete objects gc() p1 = point name:#pt_1 pos:[50,25,0] p2 = point name:#pt_2 pos:[-50,25,0] rect = Rectangle width…
Just curious how long it takes for your script to start?
it depends on what you mean by valid. Will it work? Yes. Is there any logic in it? No. Imagine a situation when i is equals to 10 and elem = get_elem…
ricch: Does it mean “where true” Yes, while and where expects boolean I doubt that I could explain it better than mxs reference
yes, it creates an array of integers, but you can cast it to bitarray bits = ( for i=1 to 6 where mod i 2 == 0 collect i ) as BitArray >> #{2,4…