@AEI Do you have any idea why could it be so imprecise at low point count? Gif
miauu: If you want to share the secret, feel free to do it. if you want pure mxs solution look at this one as well. Not really fast even with sim…
Yeah, actually brand new compound shape union fails exactly as the old shape boolean in the simplest case. Perhaps the only way to go is to refine se…
Did you try shape booleans introduced in newer max versions? If shape boolean isn’t an option you could start with something like this delete objects…
btw, I’ve managed to download all the ~18000 threads (raw .json). So if anyone wants to make an offline search index you can PM me. </offtop>
Wire Parameters Not really much. But even a single entry point is enough to do some bad stuff.
Maybe I’m overly optimistic about the execution, but there’re plenty of places to store bytes. Starting from appdata to directly putting the payload i…
AD could have legal reasons to implement this feature. Not that they wanted to add this Disable Maxscript checkbox. I was amazed what you can do to a …
Exactly my thoughts. I can’t see how is it any safer than before. Perhaps it is just a first step and more restrictions to come. PolyTools3D: …
3dsmax.exe.pdb symbol is available so perhaps you can set a breakpoint on FlagFGAnimated call and step-into the max native code to see how the time va…
This one doesn’t trigger time change callback, but somehow updates helpers positions. g = (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface”).Instance g.cor…
What about starting and cancelling animation? fn NotifyTimeChange = ( local _realTimePlayback = realTimePlayback realTimePlayback = true fn time…
like this? random_mtl = mtl_lib[ strings_array[ random 1 strings_array.Count ] ]
I did call getclassinstances on material again instead of the property. It should work now. Updated my previous post
So you need to find and manipulate only the maps related to a particular material property? fn GetMaterialPropertyBitmaps mtlclass propname target = …