You could replace .SetCheck call with the original command (max toggle keyboard shortcuts) and see if it makes any difference. Why do you use viewport…
You toggle the keyboard overrides button each time viewport gets redrawn and that’s why it flashes all the time. — works only if button exists on to…
use RolloutCreator or use smth like this: src = StringStream() append src “rollout roll \”test\”\n (” for i = 1 to 10 do ( format “button btn_% \”b…
You could simply create a layer and make it current before the import from particular file for filename in filenames do ( _layer =…
mesh variable that you access from inside simpleMeshMod is of the trimesh class, so obviously polyop functions can’t work with it. Polyop functions ex…
ptspts: And unfortunately it looks like it doesn’t work as expected after changing the geometry. Press Get Stack Selection in edit poly mod. Dunn…
I just used the example from another thread so I didn’t generate class id. It must be unique, so perhaps using genClassID is a good idea. It doesn’t r…
ptspts: how to create simple modifier that will select open edges and update this selection after the base geometry changes? — plugin simpleMesh…
yeah, when node has no modifiers in stack getting .mesh is instant compared to snapshotasmesh
Yes, if used for geometry exclusively. But to get mtl IDs from shapes it is still convenient to use it. It has no big impact on performance anyway (a…
Trimesh snapshots should be enough for the task delete objects gc() seed 42 for i = 1 to 666 do ( addModifier (Teapot pos:(random [0,0,0] [1000,10…
It is possible to append some poly mesh to already existing one. Here’s the example But I don’t know if you can make it undoable
you could use undo for the first polygon only with undo “create poly” on ( polyop.createPolygon $ polys[1] ) with undo off ( for i=2 to polys.coun…
just check how long it takes to complete and sleep the rest of the time local t1 = timeStamp() … do some work here diff = timeStamp() – t1 if …
You can make or access native mesh and use its IntersectRay method. (for 2018+ versions you can use MCG’s wrappers to do the job ) tea = Teapot() ro…