it could be pretty easy if subNums were pointing at the right properties ( tex = Smoke() — #1 mtl = Standardmaterial() prop = #diffusemap setPro…
So CAs assigned only manually? It seems to ‘randomly’ call updateToolbarButtons from the first change handler when switching between materials in bas…
another option would be to subclass sme parameter editor window and check if CA is present at each repaint event parameters paint event ( local …
DaveWortley: I’m just curious to see if it can be done automatically? for sme you can try something like this, but I don’t know if it could provo…
If the presets will only be accessed manually through the max materials editor interface, it might be better to add CAs on demand when the user switch…
you can drop the map onto sme view check out this thread: Drag and drop from winform to material editor It is also possible to get the coords directl…
Read about viewport.getViewportDib in mxs reference. Bitmap Value section of the reference contains a few examples how to load and save max bitmaps.
You could perhaps try to explode floor plan into a smaller rectangular shapes and then combine adjacent shapes for every room separately. But you’ll h…
It isn’t quite clear where yellow lines should go and why.
In case of operation on more than one segment/spline I wouldn’t recommend to use XForm at all. Modify panel updates will slow down things drastically….
Why don’t you just use the second method for move/scale/rotate instead?
season_X: How can I use maxscript to achieve it delete objects gc() — #1 r = Rectangle isSelected:true with redraw off ( convertToSplineSha…
There should be an error message in maxscript listener with the source code line number and position where this error happens.
su37: Is there any other way to achieve this. thanks Serejah: You could replace .SetCheck call with the original command (max toggle keybo…
If you need to enable overrides for a particular modifier and certain subobjectlevels it could be achieved like this: Read on the differences between …