Then you need ManagedServices.dll from the max root dir (dotNetClass “ManagedServices.MAXScriptSDK”).ExecuteMAXScriptCommand
Thanks, Denis. It works! Although the result depends on what coordspace we use (and it is expected). I did ten 36° rotations to collect results and I…
miauu: I am not sure, but I think that the proper point has to be the one marked with blue Totally agree with you. Maybe this c# version is not a…
just find any example of compiled on the fly .net class on this forum. User32 or anything like that… You don’t need Main method so you can delete it. …
Did you try the original js code with your points data? Does it produce the result you would expect? . . upd You can compile it in maxscript as usual …
951polo: … to be able to automatically create a new layer with button and checkbox? maxsscript doesn’t allow that. You’ll have to destroy and rec…
if you find it hard to grasp, take a look at RolloutCreator in mxs reference fn MakeRollout rows:5 width:300 = ( local header = ” rollout X \”Ro…
You don’t need to. Simply make nth_layer = getINISetting renderinfoPath (’“layer’+i+’”’) “name” and do whatever you need with it Or in case if you nee…
PolyTools3D: It can fail if there are other scripts modifying the selection. I would fear that some script may use modifier keys to change script…
You could check whether Clone Options dialog was actually opened before #postNodesCloned event. btw. It works for shift-drag copying but not for Ctrl …
TreeDwannaB: Tabs \t doesn’t work either. At least I can’t see a way to get them to. According to this SO thread they don’t have to. But you coul…
because it is an interpreted language maybe?
It should be pretty straightforward in theory, but in practice it throws system exception and crashes max Don’t know if it will work when used from c…
UncleV89: I have a large list of names do it like this names = filterString “Starhog,Goldodo,Sloweleon,Sloweleon,Demapi,Fieringale,Rockigator,Co…
Since it is just a hobby for me I still use 2014 max version. You think reverse works differently across max versions?