951polo: I can write to make this change for all materials / names in the listbox? I don’t know. This piece of code tells almost nothing. Test it…
Actually you can try to use multimaterial Just make a separate ID ranges that won’t intersect with each other i.e ID#1 uses 1…10 ID#2 uses 11…20 and s…
Sounds like all you need is a single multimaterial with N submaterials Changing one submtl won’t affect others if that’s what you need. This will limi…
951polo: If I select “box1” and “box2 “together, material will only be added to” box1 “. Why it should work like that?
I guess it is hopeless. Either someone else should write you this script or you need to describe your task precisely in order to get the help.
make a function that takes collection as the argument and do whatever you need with these nodes fn RandomWirecolor nodes = ( for n in nodes whe…
you can store all objects and materials in arrays and simply use selection indexeses of listbox controls to assign ‘selected’ materials to ‘selected’ …
What’s the logic behind all that? What IDs and group IDs are?
By caching in mxs it usually means to store the value/function in a local variable to minimize mem consumption and also to speed things up. Did you no…
no, its because of lots of child windows of the desktop and the fact that you don’t cache max hwnd and call windows.getMAXHWND() on every iteration . …
trickiest part is to get its hwnd if not tabbedDialogs.isOpen #render then renderSceneDialog.open() else ( local g = (dotNetClass…
951polo: This is the line $ .modifiers [#VRayDisplacementMod] .texmap = ??? I need them to add early maps from the listbox. it fully depends wha…
you need to post as least simplest example of the code that doesn;t work to get the help as there could be a lot of things that could go wrong termina…
951polo: is it possible to set random to fn? ( fn f1 = format “1\n” fn f2 = format “2\n” fn f3 = format “3\n” fn f4 = format “4\n” fn…
I checked it in 2014 & 2020 and the issue still remains. Undoing mm.numsubs += 1 makes object black in both. gif Y4MOBN31nK.gif1327x576 168 KB…