Who could have thought it is actually possible Max.NET: External scripting via .NET remoting other tuts videos:
I guess the only robust approach is the gui one that used in project like this GitHub GitHub – techartorg/MXSPyCOM: A mo…
use SetProperty function for prop in #( #render_prop_1, #render_prop_2, #render_prop_3 ) do SetProperty renderers.current prop undefined
3Dali: right now I am using c#/wpf oh, you didn’t mention that. I’ve seen some wpf node editor projects on github. Nodify for example …
3Dali: Does anyone have any suggestions for me?
use callbacks selectionSetChanged event to update listbox items
cyrus3v: dataAllArray[i].enabled = theState it should be .checked I guess btw you can set property to all items of collection at once, example: …
for i in sceneMaterials do remove that line, othwerwise you may hang your max for a long long time
SolidSnakeH: what i need to read in the docs to be able to do it ? maxscript has nothing that could do that you’ll have to use c# wpf/winforms or…
then simply substring needed macro and execute it example tmp.ms contents –macroName_1 macroScript macroName_1 category:“xxx” tooltip:”” icon:#(“…
I thought it was pretty obvious. Define your macro inside of some function and call it when you need them to evaluate
docs say that you can alternatively define it like this macros.new <category_string> <name_string> <toolTip_string> <buttonText_s…
look in …SDK\howto\ui\customcontrols\custctrl.cpp how to call zoom command (full list is here: \include\maxcom.h or in sdk reference) other things sho…
you’d better to use clone nodes nodes_of_selection_set = join #() selectionsets[ sel_set_name ] — retreive nodes for sel set if maxOps.CloneNodes (s…
just google it “maxscript add to selection set” there’re lots of threads with examples