Beautiful scripting Thank you very much especially for the Remove one
Thanks for the reply Denis would you explain it a little more or give me an example
you are right for the time being , for the car wiper for the first try if i like to try script controller, could you help me with above script. I c…
Thanks for the replay Actually i try to make car’s windshield wiper and it’s rotation, controlling the speed , turn on and off my first try was mybo…
Thanks Danielit it works now. it seems it missed two pdb files whch you add now One question In one of my tools I’m using BitmapImage to show a re…
Thanks for the reply In the page that Kameleon adressed it has two adresses i just download the first one and unpack in the max directory. First i r…
Hi Thanks to share such a things. I’m using Max 2016 But couldn’t use the file that you made. Consider my little understanding about python i couldn…
Thanks Hydraa thanks .that is one of the best way when you want to use Distance command and avoid using float script because script controller are so …
Hi Erik Thanks for the reply What actually I’m looking for is, i have 4 objs in a scene first one is source obj the other 3 are targets. when i scale…
Thanks for the reply I thaught that The Rotation controller is just a pain in 3ds max , scale is a good pain too :)) here it is my try but when it is …