The problem arises if in your script you are repeatedly openning the modifier panel…this sucks a lot of time. What I’ve done recently was to do a che…
I’m sure others can help me elaberate on this topic, but as I understand it, an interface is essentially a “contract” that states that this API will h…
It really depends on your needs are and what you want to achieve. I think C++ is a great language, but it does carry a lot of baggage from C which ca…
labbejason, I was sure it couldn’t be done, so nice to be proven wrong! I was also thinking that you might be able to straddle a dotnet menu bar acro…
Start with: DotNet In MAXScript And when your done with all that, goto You will need to create your own form and populate it with dotnet controls… …
I don’t think you can… If you are running max 9+ you could try doing a complete dot net implementation…I think that would be the only way right off t…
Not been fully aware of the inner workings of max, I would suggest that it would be better to read the whole “line” in one single step and process it …
Bobo has responded to this question on at least (if not more) occasions. As it would be completely pointless for me to even try and reproduce what he…
I think he means that he doesn’t yet know how to write the script himself…
This is the basics ( –local lstMaterials = #() /* Returns all the materials and sub materials contained by the parent material The optio…
Yes, I have a solution. I’m some what disappointed by how easy that was… Shane
Do you mean: You have an OBJECT with map/material ID’s You want to “scan” that object and BUILT a multi/sub material with the appropriate id’s assign…
I think the datagrid is the only other control that might come close to doing what you want, problem is, you are going to need to attach a datasource …
ListView controls don’t provide the functionaility you require. Only the first column can, techniqually, have a check box. The other approach you ca…
Maxscript thinks (correctly) that the name “popo” is a variable…but because the variable is has not yet been initalised, it is, correctly, been interr…