the paper explains how to reverse Catmull-Clark only, requires a C-C mesh, but trying something more… depends on how you implement the code, which is …
@TheGrak @PEN I’m attaching a .mse for anybody who wants to test this for a while…, I didn’t plan it as a public release, because its was mainly to s…
ok, here’s my test TheGrak: credit to Lanquetin and Neveu that shows clearly how to reverse it. as the papers say’s it won’t work with subdivided …
my bet that he used those technical papers, available on internet, can’t remember where… Reverse Catmull-Clark Subdivision, and other… I’ll try to rev…
another option using mxs: shellLaunch “hh” “mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Autodesk\3ds%20Max%202011\help\maxscript.chm::/values_rtf/number_values….
#1 doesn’t work… you were right: if there is an object in the scene already selected, then it works, but, if no object is selected, then using maxscri…
PiXeL_MoNKeY: Use quatToEuler2 on the rotation.controller.value should return what you want.It only works properly when using it on the rotation.con…
is this? error.marker.back=
Looks like tim.track = (execute “prs”)() is the same as tim.track = prs() max detects that the same controller is applied, and will do nothing. to cr…
Not convinced, its not like blaming eulers… The problem is because you’re relying on matrices and quats, which are good for math, but this is a contro…
aha, your right, the code I posted does not work with scale, I didnt thought about it, probably because its a bad practice to have scaled objects in s…
If its already aligned to world(no rotation), yes, no need to complicate this. But otherwise if its rotated, it won’t be accurate. (and in case the p…
almost @groutcho, to use that method, the pivot and localboundingbox needs to be aligned; max returns world coordenates: ( fn isPivotInBBox theN…
Compress on save works fine here. One thing, is that autoback will also be compressed, if the scene is big, that can increase time considerably while …