There are many commercial scripts, that are easy to do… I’m considering the idea start picking some and create new own versions, free… I too think the…
resuming: nodeLocalBoundingBox == relative to identity matrix nodeGetBoundingBox == relative to specified matrix in coordsys local nodeLocalBoundingB…
I’d like to have that power. I hope they agree. So you can release a maxscript.chm @Bobo
but decrypting scripts, makes me think, that you loose all your rights. If there were such thing as code ethics. I don’t think decrypting would get an…
inevitable…, somebody encrypted already free/open mxs code but claim it as original somehow… probably to get some credit, most people wants recognit…
why the ‘free’ method, should work? should we use it? max only says about it in MeshProjIntersect / RayMeshGridIntersect… I used var=undefined too, w…
BEGIN… *clean* nodes:1000 time:123 memory:137080L nodes:2000 time:125 memory:136176L nodes:3000 time:123 memory:136120L nodes:4000 time:123 memo…
ru=render() render to:ru render returns a bitmap :
similar: $Teapot001.transform = (transMatrix [0,0,100]) * $Plane001.transform
mm, reset/execute the code: select the ‘end’ object and rotate it’s local X axis: more than 240º == flip less than -120 == flip in the original examp…
x axis flip, would be. well, the others too, but are less evident. I think it will always happen with slerp or any math based on world coordinates
there is flipping in the local X axis slerp,matrix quats, the usual problem, especially for rigging not limited to 180º the best is to manipulate the …
here it is w constant length stuff added| not optimized. I tried to modify one of the controls without triggering the callback again, but it seems the…
no constant param yet, but something very inconsistent, happens with max reference system: the callback is getting transform changes from the tangen…
If releasing .mse files is mostly a bad think. Then a useful challenge would be to ‘recreate most of them’ using your own secrets/experience and make …