the orientation is lost, maybe objects are linked too he needs one object with the pivot properly aligned as a reference, the rest with math… or the …
another idea for cubes: summing the angles around a vertex corner=270 the rest = 360 total corners==8
maybe : a = dotnetclass”Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager” use .net eventhandlers, and you have : colorMan.getColorSchemeType() …
I was hoping to add to the list the missing/complex tracks, thinking that max has a fixed amount of controllers. but your right, I’m gonna try someth…
( local ss = StringStream “”; showClass “*Float:*controller*” to:ss; seek ss 0 local clas = #() while not eof ss do append clas (execute (filterSt…
99ms 796 keyed nodes found don’t know if I missed something…
It’s not very very clear, but Autodesk was aware of these bugs: they had other solution,[don’t know if it would work in this case though]: for i = …
I think is an old bug related to biped In my case I have biped removed, and the notes seems trapped inside a missing track deleteTrackViewController…
Personally I always try to avoid edit_poly, or I use it knowing that I’ll collapse the stack later. How to get smoothing group of Edit_Poly faces : …
This happens with other objects too:OilTank makes even more updates. Personally, I think that rather than fixing this, max would benefit from a new r…
[oh, I read your edit…] anyhow, the other sad part of the ref system, is that custom parameters with strong references no X node transform, do not co…
I’m not saying its a mxs controller problem. it’s just a way to test it. the problem is that the UI, while reading values ‘forces updates’. If we wan…
[one of the biggest problems of the current reference system…] another: assign script controller, e.g: to a sphere radius: if modify panel is open, …
…tried, but haven’t found a good excuse to use ‘by reference’… val=$.pos.controller replaceinstances val (position_script())
PEN: some one is trying to make a living from their work and some one else comes along and releases a similar tool for nothing. Why? It is like peop…