yeap, that would be the best case, but because of the hurry, and lack of inborn geniality… :] . here’s my second ver. it now allows existing verts: …
aha, that’s interesting… I’m gonna try…
let me check, I used your demo in other post… but if the spline already has segments, you get non even segments. right?
yesterday, I tried a complicated method, that for a momment made me think I was close… but no. I grunted, deleted my attempt, and emptied the recycle …
I see, I tried with refineSegment, but how to convert path to length param, without going through the whole spline measuring… or breaking the spline …
don’t wanna spoil the fun, I like curves math, a lot… but, MAX already allows this, isn’t it…? and I suppose it uses something like DeCasteljau Algor…
it returns this number(-13 421 773) because there is no range, e.g. -there is only one key or no key… try setting the range first: setTimeRange $[3]…
here’s something: getTimeRange $[3].track #children
the same, for experienced maxscripters, To recreate a similar or better script is doable, likely easier and faster than trying to crack something… iro…
if you try to force brute a .mse, max protects that, to avoid hacking… then maybe it depends on how the .mse runs the code, inside… to protect the sc…
yes and MAX will deal with the math anyway… playing with quat controllers: –#X ( q = $.rotation.track.value q.x*= -1 q.w*= -1 $.rotation.con…
or multiply the matrix quat by the mirrored matrix, and then re-composing the matrix or multiply each matrix row by the correct mirrored vector. but …
hehe, yes very low
too many refreshes, …to make it friendly, it’s a exhibition script, to show the problem. nothing related to how I would script something… :] I wrote…
I see, seems your right. mxs also says that there is an internal method not exposed through polyop, that internal method must be what happens when ct…