No problem Dave! If you have time, just drop me some thoughts Best, Rob
Thanks guys, finally I got back to the problem and this works! Thanks so much, Rob
Hi Richard, nice to hear from you! The MaxScript doc states: “Warning: You cannot change an object’s mesh in a #preRenderFrame, #postRenderFrame, …
I’m using a assignNewMaterial now to make the textures unqiue, but it’s still completely replaced by replaceInstances Thanks, Rob
Thanks, so what would be an efficient way to create lots of maps consiting of the same Bitmap but with unique names that then could be linked afterwa…
I generated an array of maps with the same IFL sequence but different starttimes. Then I use replaceInstances and (of course) all of these get unified…
Thanks Martijn, this helps a lot (again). So I’ll set up a base material and use scripts only to change values / maps. That’s fine, just thought this …
The MacroRecorder safes the following: meditMaterials[1][#Maps][#Diffuse_Color__Map__1____Gradient_Ramp].Flag__3__Texture = Bitmaptexture fileName:“c…
Thanks a million Martijn! That really helps me a lot, but as for the index of “[6]” for bitmap, how is this defined? I looked for details of the SubA…
Because a Scatter modifier or object would be easier to setup. Sometimes I just want to have simple Scatters and don’t even want to open the PFlow win…