In max you can use: internet.CheckConnection() which will also take a URL: argument, but I’m not sure it’s very reliable, I can get it to return tr…
I’ve been looking through the help files but …it’s not helping. As far as I can see polylines want point3 values, and the mouse.pos is a point2. I c…
thanks guys, extremely helpful Hornbergers was slightly faster on some giant bitarrays I tried, but duplicates bits between arrays, ie: #(#{1…10}, #…
I’ve avoided Vista till now, but my god, what a mess. UAC is insane… does anyone actually leave that on? Talk about over protective. Does windows 7…
This doesn’t seem to work in Vista… returns false even if run as administrator. Any thoughts? edit: sorry, seems even if logged in as admin programs…
I had to remove the ‘s’ from the end of ‘admin.administratrors’ to get it to work, but it certainly does the trick. Thanks!
edit: Thank you all, thats just what I was after.
Interesting. Well, assuming you can see the entire script and not just that segment then this has enormous repercussions for lots of us. I’ve always…
So would someone care to take the 6 seconds or so to decrypt the attached script and print a full plain text version here?
I’m surprised. We’ve had plenty of discussions about the secureness of encrypted scripts and stuff like this in the past and although it’s accepted t…