thanks Bobo! it works now
Thanks for your help guys PiXeL_MoNKeY, i’ll try it later, i was’nt familiar with sending jobs like that, i’ll see how it goes with my script.
Thanks guys The ( FOR obj in selection WHERE isGroupHead obj DO print ) has done it, but now i’ve ran into another unexpected problem- Aft…
OK, i think this is too mach reserch for me, for the moment i’m just going to do it the annoying way i know… Thank you.
Hey RustyKnight Thank you for your replay. I already know how to save\load UI schemes. What i’m looking for is an easy way to save one spesific toolb…
Hey Pjanssen, sorry it took me a while to answer… Thank you for your help, it just what i tried doing for a small rig UI helper. I was’nt familiar wit…
Thanks man, it helps alot!