Array parameters are actually ArrayParameters, not arrays (check the help file). It basically means they can only store one type of data, and some ar…
Isn’t that overridden when it is selected, though?
I’d like an answer to this as well… it is related to the system’s colors, since if you switch your Settings (from XP Blue to Silver, or to Windows Cla…
Names will also break with ‘-’ I think (at least the syntax highlighting breaks with a hyphen). It is always wise to surround names with single quote…
NeighborName= “Cell_” + (x+i) as string + “_X_” + (y+j) as string + “_X_”+ gen as string checkclass= execute(“classof $” + NeighborName + “== Box”) …
I am definitely a Max hater, but if you are doing Arch Viz, you’ll want to be using Max, without a doubt. This question seems to hide a more importan…
Recursion has given me problems as well. It is possible to fool Max into thinking it is in an endless loop- I had it print the Listener to a log and …
FindString only works with a String, not a StringStream or FileStream. You probably want to use SkipToString, or cast as a string and use findString.
Yeah, it is getting caught in an infinite recursion. Doh!
Some very interesting thoughts about structs in this thread. I am going to bookmark it for that reason (really cool ideas and workarounds). However,…
JHN: Had to look up what CTD was, but I think you’re meaning Crash To Desktop here I think the problem with nr 2 is that you’re trying to recurse …
Psssht, yeah he knows his stuff, you see that jacket?
Just assign it to a variable? If I understood your question right, this is a very essential aspect of coding to understand… b = box name:”myBox” $Bo…