Hey, there is no setVert function for Edit poly wich is too bad, but here is way you can use to move veritces: polyobj = modpanel.getcurrentobject() …
Hey I agree a bit with Arketip that the connection of dummys is what is hindering it from being relally simple. One option could be to have a setting …
Hey Capt_Suicide, that looks really interesting, nice idea. Could turn into something really useful I think if it can be made simple to use. I havn’t …
Hi Nicol, if you’re intrested PolyBoost has a feature called LoopMode wich while active turns every edgeselection into a loop. You can also deselect l…
Hey MasterBercon, havn’t tested your script yet but here is an example how to get a random point on a face defined by 3 verts: onelength = vert2pos -…
…or perhaps there is no need to test triangles like that. I suggest that you send an intersection ray from each of the vertices of the extrusion in th…
Hey Johan, well it depends on how accurate it needs to be. For an easy test sending an intersection ray from the middle of the extrusion onto the othe…
Hey, I think the best way to do this would be to check all the edges if their faces have the same smoothing group and if not, split them. Here is exam…
Hey, polyop.getEdgeVerts $ edge will give you an array of the verts in the order of the edge. jman – that would not work exactly since two faces can …
Hey, here is the way I do it to get a position on the grid: pixelpos = mouse.pos gw.mapCPToWorld (mapScreenToCP pixelpos) CML
Hey Bumbi, the command [size=2]polyop.getEdgeVerts will give you the verts of the edge in the order of the edge, so the distace goes from vert 1 in th…
Hi Pretty Pixel, thanks for listening to my suggestions. I think the issues with uv’s not welding could be what you explained since I have not been a…
Hey, that’s pretty damn cool. I can definitely see myself using this many times. Some initial feedback: – If there is no open edges in the object the…
Hi yonathangz, one thing you could do that might be enough depending on what you want to do is use the objects [color=wheat].dir wich[/color] is the w…
I too have had this problem. One way you can do it, wich I have used, is to put in your own undo button and store the last uv-change in a global value…