i’m kind of curious if there are serious limitations to python or .net. I understand this sounds like a x vs. y question Try to be objective. Can the…
Pyro is a Python Remote Object library written in python itself. Basically it allows python code segments to sit on a centralized server and clients …
Thanks for that Dave. Very interesting indeed. I could be wrong here so please correct me if I am. But the one downside I see is that the python cod…
Since it’s for in-house use only it’s not nearly that refined. Currently I’m just executing python.exe <script> params (normally an xml file th…
This is a really interesting development. I’ve been calling python scripts for various things from 3dsmax for a while now but to be able to do it the…
Actually now that I think about it in this case you have to convert the number to a string anyhow. So your method wouldn’t be slow.
Looks good Keith. I would put a numeric test before converting all numbers to strings as this is a very slow process and should be avoided when possi…
Here’s a function but it’s a bit messy (just got home from the bar). I can’t promise that it will work in all cases so make sure you test this a bit….