One more. Tell me if you like it macroScript joystick_rollout category:”AritzTools” buttonText:”Joystick” toolTip:”Joystick” ( checked = false …
Hello Aritz 8): It’s strange that mousemove clausule doesn’t work inside a checkbutton(pickbutton or similar). Your only chance is to offset the mous…
It happens when interpolating rotation animation AngleAxis and quaternions have proper rotation animation interpolation schemes
Just use conversion between types to transform a Bitarray to a normal array a=#{1…5} b=a as array
Haha, Do you feel the frustration of not receiving any answer? The script does what it says, and that is enough in these days Referring to the code…
Paata, I cannot find the script at your web. Do you know if it works with max5 ? Cheers!
I think you are referring to execute string execute filestream | execute string | execute stringstream methods
The last value of the script block is that wich is applied. So at time 0 ( expresion ) and you get it
It’s possible, of course. It would be very easy using selfrerence, but as said you cannot(in max 6 this seems to work). So you have to indicate in som…
fabman, using dependsOn $objectname you solve the realtime update problem
Hello blowtorch: Yes, it’s possible. You only need a position script controller where you constrain the object to that region. Problem 1:Max doesn’t…
Interesting program and concept. There are some cool effects. But imho is not very intuitive(I don’t know yet once a “scene” is loaded what key I have…
Fractals from a friend. In fact a fractal master 8)