Would something like this work? if not (isKindOf $.pos.controller path_constraint) do messageBox “Apply Path Constraint”
You must have at least one object selected or supply your own collection of objects instead of the “$”.
If you want to update the material on an object or collection of objects then this should work: ( loadMaterialLibrary ((getDir #matlib)+”\\YourMater…
Have a look at ‘include’ in the mxs help.
If you want to do it in mxs you could try using compositemap. Something like this: ( local alph = bitmaptexture filename:”C:\\Documents and Settings…
Yes it is slow. Like I said, it was never really finished or used for anything. I thought it did clip the region to the viewport if the object went of…
I might be wrong but I don’t think this will work the way you want it to for two reasons: I don’t think you can change render settings with a pre-re…
Thanks for your input Denis. Good job you stopped by and saw the potential in Matan’s code. And thanks again lo and Matan, I have to go and pick up a …
Sorry you’re right, I see what you mean. I could delete the current element, shortening the array and moving to the next element in one step and there…
Wow thanks for your quick responses. @TzMtN I like the idea of bitarray with handles as the index but you’re as you found going through every node is…
I’m sorry if I’ve misunderstood what you are trying to do but if you trying to access the object pickmesh’s morpher modifier’s target then try: targ …
Better if it checks whether the objects are editable polys. ( a = selection as array for i=1 to selection.count where isKindOf a[i] editable_Poly d…
all that selecting and de-selecting makes it slow. ( a = selection as array for i=1 to selection.count do polyop.setFaceMatID a[i] #all i )
Bobo: we were running Windows XP 64 btw, not sure if it was related to OS or not. It could be, I’m still on XP64.