Have you tried selecting an object in your scene that has an Autodesk_Material with an Autodesk_Map and typing into the listener? show $.material.Gen…
I was a bit short of time yesterday but I’ve had another look at this again this morning and I get the same behaviour when deleting maps from a fallof…
Sorry, I see what you mean now about the subtexture remaining visible. I’m not sure it’s possible to delete it using maxscript unless it is selected i…
Try: compmap.layers.delete 5 (If 5 is the layer you want to delete.)
Are you sure both PCs have the same version of VRay? I thought access to the VFB was added quite recently. According to the vray changelog it should …
JokerMartini: This would be super useful for people blending between materials based on movement. Just tie it to a blend material. Could possibly th…
Well there is a very big difference in this small scene. Thanks for posting this, I read it over the weekend but without access to Max I couldn’t tes…
Thanks for pointing that out, I guess that’s why it would only render in MR. I was a bit uneasy about using the map but I’d had the idea of a float_s…
Yes thanks Denis, that’s very informative and a much more elegant solution for getting the node’s speed using addVectorNode. You’re right about not n…
Thanks, mine’s very crude though, no error checking and there’s nothing to stopping the rgb values being greater than 1. Hope some of it helps anyway.
I was over-complicating things with the Conversion_Float_To_Color map. Just add a point3_script controller to the diffuse colour. ( $.material = sta…
Just tried it and it works! At bit crude but… ( $.material = standard() $.material.diffuseMap = Conversion_Float_To_Color() objSpeed = float_scrip…
There is already textureMap Conversion_Float_To_Color. You could try putting this into the diffuse slot of a standard material and use a float_script …
If you have a lot of conditions you want to test have a look for case in the help. It works a bit like else if but is a bit neater. case classOf obj …
denisT: sure: p = <ccCurve>.points[<index>] <ccCurve>.points[<index>] = p Thanks, better than deletePoint and i…