Where were you putting your event handler? the_IkFkSwitch = attributes IkSwitch ( parameters main rollout:params ( IkFkState type:#boolean ui:IkF…
That sounds like the best solution and it is neater and should be faster than a try/catch. I saw your post on the Chaos forum and I don’t know how to…
That’s right I remember finding that out myself. It might be worth asking on the Chaos forum whether there is a way of getting VRay to add the user pr…
Are you trying to make each object’s wirecolor a shade of grey dependent on its alpha contribution?
Or to avoid similar problems in the future check that the object has the property you are trying to change: for o in objects where isProperty o #wire…
Paul, Are you using Chrome? Search was broken for me last week but was working again today.
Hi John, Here’s a quick example of how to add two variables myFloat and myString to the scene root. ( myData_CA_Def = attributes myDataCA version:1…
I have a VRay license and could have a look if it helps…
Right I get it now. I’ll have play on Monday when I’m back in work. Thanks for the explanation.
Excuse my ignorance but what does this line do: local parent = if parent != undefined do parent I’ve seen it before but I don’t understand it’s purp…
You’re welcome. You should be able to adapt it to other values or even write new macros.
Ok, after running the script go to the ‘Toolbars’ tab on ‘Customize User Interface’. Then look in the category pulldown and you should find a new cate…
Ok, and are the buttons on a rollout or are they on a running macros from a toolbar?
I think what you are trying to do is possible. Is the slider you are trying to control a manipulator from that you have created in the scene or a ui o…
Try inserting the line: varGenericTextureName = varMat.Generic_Image.Parameters_Source print (classOf varGenericTextureName) print varGenericTextureN…