Using Denis’s idea, this seems to work: ( local switch = false for c in material.classes where c.creatable == true do ( for mat in (getClassInst…
Thanks Denis… ( for c in material.classes where c.creatable == true do ( for mat in (getClassInstances c processAllAnimatables:true) do mat.showI…
I don’t know of a better way other than going through all possible material types with getClassInstances. We need a getSuperClassInstances for situati…
Surely… for mat in scenematerials where superClassOf mat == material do showTextureMap mat on But it still won’t find materials inside multi/sub-obj…
In that case… ( for mat in (getClassInstances vrayMtl processAllAnimatables:true) do showTextureMap mat on )
What type of materials are you using?
There you go… ( for mat in (getClassInstances standard processAllAnimatables:true) do showTextureMap mat on )
don’t give me ideas…
thx myTime == lookAt(); help(“maxScript”); for keyWord in #(“index”) do findItem #(“use”, “in”, “this”) “thread”
if (deadline == undefined or (deadline > (currentTime + (604800*frameRate)))) then (I = wood(); join #(“in”, “the”) #(“fun”)) else I = bit.not free
:lightbulb Right I that works. Thanks once again for your help lo.
Thanks for the replies. So my function would look something like: fn getColChip col = ( local colImage = dotnetObject “System.Drawing.Bitmap” 15 15 …
Joezeta: May you suggest a source where I can find more informations about vray and maxscript? Cheers I’m not aware of any apart from some genera…
Yes it is possible to add a VRayToon with maxscript. It is an atmospheric effect so you would use addAtmospheric as you would with any other effect: …