The script above does what you asked for originally, it deletes all objects that have identical xyz coordinates. If you want to leave one object in e…
Very cool! It works here with Max 2012. Also tried it from an iPad but the connection was refused, although that could be our network security set…
Do you mean Scene States?
It sounds like you have turned the MacroRecorder off by mistake. To turn the it back on first open the MAXscript listener. Then from the the MacroRec…
You have been busy… Sorry I didn’t realise this about addModifier(). I’m on Max 2012 so we are using different versions of max. I get an error if I…
I get an error when I run the script you posted above. The one below works for me and it also checks whether the selection is an editable mesh before…
I had a look at the rest of your code over lunch. try (destroydialog ddl_test) catch() rollout ddl_test “Per-Pixel Material Tool” ( — ———–…
Sorry I didn’t test the rest of your code as I wasn’t sure how it was supposed to work. All I did was get the selection from the dropdown and convert …
Do you mean like this? rollout ddl_test “Per-Pixel Material Tool” ( — ————————————- dropdownlist ddl_width “Width” items…
You could also try unchecking ‘Use Real-World Texture Coordinates’ on the general tab in Max’s preferences before you run the script. I don’t know whe…
objXRefMgr.MergeXRefItemsIntoScene selection returns true but the selection is still an XRef object. Max 2012 Design 64 bit.
I thought it could only be set to true or false unless a controller is assigned. (Maybe 0 or 1 works as well) Try for o in objList do ( o.visibilit…
It seems to work ok here. Are you assigning a controller to the visibility track before changing it’s value?
( try (destroyDialog change_wirecolor) catch () –global change_wirecolor fn yansegj = ( if selection.count == 1 do ( if (classof $.materia…
There are some things you can’t do in maxscript and I think assigning texturemaps to the slots of a raytrace map is one of them. Sorry I don’t know o…