u can try something like this (if you put them down… it will go close to command panel… and not waste space ) PS. i don’t use ribbon panel… way to…
well that sums it up… thanks denisT.
thanks DaveWortley will start working on it later, thanks again for the start
i can do that but i don’t need that see at 0:09 i select 4 polygons… if i do loop it loops correctly just in one direction… before if i did that it…
anyone !? at least an idea or something…
awesome… got it to work on editable poly… with the selected polys… thanks toxis
but that will work only on the entire object… which i did differently… but now i want to do it for polygons/elements…
also posted in the 3ds max 2011 thread cui.dockdialogbar VCMainFloater #cui_dock_left
i have something like that in rappatools… still not finished though… you can check it out… get rappatools and in extraRappaTools you have facade… that…
thanks, i’ll have a look at those tutorials
or make sure you don’t have any try()catch()
is it possible to have modify panel (from command panel) in a script rollout? i mean just the modifiers list and the subRollout bellow it !?