i also have an account on that forum…
Old habit i guess global planarKnots try destroyDialog planarKnots catch () rollout planarKnots “PlanarKnots” width:179 height:82 ( check…
done… but it will close the dialog after each run :wavey: @denisT 😮 $800 :bounce:
i would like to point out a few things first… guess people forgot about that was a cool project :buttrock:… especially the PSD to MS – Rapid UI devel…
( try MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon False catch() — old max ViewCubeOps.Visibility = False ComponentManager = (dotnetclass “Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManag…
hi alex here ya go assign a button or shortcut and you are good to go click and drag inside the view to change the crease value. best, remus
I haven’t made scriptms to block hackers, since i know they can easily decrypt the .mse and remove the license part… I did it because I wanted a stor…
Is there an alternative to the mac address !? that will work for max 9-2013. (i also have issues with clients that constantly change their mac address…
i actually tried this a while back… not perfect but does the job !? delete obj obj = convertToPoly (Box length:50 width:50 height:50 lengthsegs:5…
why not just set the render resolution back after !? testSizeRatio = 0.1 — store old resolution origRenderWidth = renderWidth origRenderHeight = re…
camthing = #(“——Select Camera——“) sceneCam = for o in cameras where classof o != TargetObject collect o sceneCamNames = camthing + (for o …
fn somecall width:200 height:200 = ( format (” The width is:”+(width as string)+”, and height is:”+(height as string)+”. “) ) somecall wi…
for o in $* do (select o; PolyToolsModeling.Quadrify false false) — cursel = getcurrentselection() for o in cursel do (select o; PolyToolsModeling.Q…
try setIniSetting (“$plugcfg\\settings.ini”) “Settings” “BigSpn” ( daBigSpn.value as string ) Catch() ——– bigspnv = execute (getIniSetting (“$p…
well to reload a script: fileIn (getSourceFileName())