for the circular dependency issues, what if you use assign controller instead of assign track (in a script controller, not expression…) take a lookher…
Also, you can assign a rotation script controller to the rotation of your child-box, in the script window create a new variable, assign it to the rota…
Thanks. Yes, it is the inner and outer amount of a shell mod in the first case, and the bevel and inset amount of a poly in the second. As, to the bu…
I guess if you need an efficient closest point algorithm you would need to find the two closest points using the lengthInterp, somehow make sure that …
yeap… i was also testing with a lookAt_constraint… i didn’t realize that you were using an Euler_XYZ controller… but then your second piece of code sh…
your code is working fine with me… are you sure that you have actually assigned a rotation controller to freshbone someplace earlier in your script?
Found a way around it… I just caped the borders and used for the bridge the new faces instead… which I guess should have been quite obvious in the fir…
just replace geometry with selection in the two instances that it is used in the script (for o in geometry do…)
you didn’t loose anything! I did ;). i just didn’t understand exactly what you are doing in the script… (and unfortunately I can not test it right now…
Thanks a lot! However I have to admit that you completely lost me on this one :). I guess that you are virtually pressing the button(s) through the sc…