hi biddle thank you very much. this is exactly what i wanted. tnx boris
tnx for your replies the thing i am trying to archive is to show the screenspace trajectory of an object. i want to read out the screenspace position…
hi bobo i guess wrapping the recursive loop into a function and doing a lot of gc() is what you ment. i am very interested in your solution. greetin…
i really appreciate the support of you all in this forum. big thanks for sharing your knowledge and time. boris
works perfectly. thank you again for your fast reply
thank you very much. i am going to test it now. boris
this seems to work: dependson $object_a v1t = at time currenttime $object_a.position a = normalize [v1t.x,v1t.y,0] ndir = normalize a upvector = […
hi all i am trying to make a sort of “one axis lookat” scriptcontroller. object_a is flying around in 3d space and object_b is located at position [0…
thanks for the fast reply incredible fast thanks will check it out