Thank You! Worked like a charm! Enjoy your the rest of your week.
That worked fine. I needed Polygons and not mesh, so this shows up in the menu as being disable if the user is selecting a sub-object that’s not a po…
Thanks! This work great. Now I’ve added the script to a menu, and since then I’ve discovered the ability to make the menu disabled base on the condi…
That’s is for Poly. But I’m working with an Editable Mesh and I can’t get the command to work. When I convert back or add a modifier to the characte…
Still can’t find the “Clone Part of Mesh” command in polyop or meshop in the help docs. Anybody know the name of the command? Seams that it may be n…
Thank You for the code. Now I have a new question. I just noticed that the textures are not appearing in the Viewports, unless I press the “Show Tex…