due to the same type of limitations, i’ve begun using the CreateDialog functions. You will find you have many more options available to you pertainin…
Okay, I’ve worked with the code, and you were right on the money. I had a callback for filePreOpen, where i was setting my var to empty based on a ne…
Shoot John, I think you might be on the right track here. I am not looking at the program now, but trying to remember, yes, i was using some callbac…
Thanks Anton for the suggestions. I was unaware of either of these options. I’ll have to try converting one of the interfaces to use one of these meth…
CreateDialog blahblah fgcolor:blue style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_resizing etc) just leave out the #style_titlebar eh?
if you use the #filepreopen callback be careful. Loading render presets will call this and make things funky. Someone showed me the callbacks.notifica…