line and line: Line-Line Intersection : intersection of two lines AB and CD: fn lineLineIntersect pA pB pC pD = ( local a=pB-pA local b=pD-pC loc…
Indeed I noticed this problem. I had by-passed it by taking position of my vertices on the Poly object. Unfortunately if I can not use myPoly.mesh so…
Your routines are very optimized You make the calculation of the visibility, the collision and the position of this collision by using only one func…
sorry, a little guide to use it: create a plane named Plane01 and a point helper named Point01 above the plane
Here is another script: This one uses neither intersectRayEx nor RayMeshGridIntersect. It does not convert the object either. The intersection is calc…
Here is my first try by using intersectRayEx on a Poly. The main problem in this version is that intersectRayEx don’t work with myPoly.mesh… then I cr…
Thanx Rivendale Interesting alternative. In fact I don’t use the mouse with my script lol But thanks anyway You like mouses isn’t ? a pic for you: …
One step more: fn meshFaceToPoly3 poly meshFace = ( local mpolyface=meshop.getPolysUsingFace poly.mesh #{meshFace} ignoreVisEdges:false threshhold:…
Hi Thanks for the ideas bobo: I am thinking of the problem… allonym: Here is an illustration of the problem with your current routine if we search…
The unwrap modifier is not buggy but it is true that it’s hard to use. It is very dependent of the context. Currently when I want to make something w…
Here is how I select one cluster. for example the cluster which contain face 1: obj=plane length:100.0 width:100.0 objUnwrapMod=Unwrap_UVW() addModif…
Gibbz: –mySelection is currently selected face in edit poly subobjectLevel = 0 modPanel.addModToSelection (Unwrap_UVW ()) ui:on subobje…
Maybe because I am not a programmer ? lol. Seriouly I wrote this function a long time ago… The script was to be compatible with 3DSmax5 and when I gav…