oh sorry. They are dependent on the order. The order of mapVertices in a face is the same than the oder of the vertices in this same face. theMapFac…
In no way. It is just a coincidence because of the structure of your object. Furthermore : To 1 vertice can correspond several mapvertices. To 1 map…
You should place function between brackets. () format “:%” (getNormal tmesh v) to:out_file have a good day
Hi guys, The program “morphMap” is now downloadable. see: sorry for the delay
Gibbz: i dont know how to get the outer 4 points, what if you have an od shape, similar to your maping to a round object like in your example? My…
Thanks. I appreciate the interest which you carry to my script. The principal risk by diffusing this tool free is that that could make the mapping in…
No problem. The principle itself is not complicated and the nature of polygons inside has no importance. first, You find for 4 corners of the selec…
A long time ago I had started to write a script who map arbitrary forms. The script detect the 4 corners and map the mesh automatically. The original …
Hi Rodney If I understand exactly what you want, you would just like to normalize the UVW of a selection of faces. I recently wrote a script to do t…
The quaternion is easy to use to rotate a position in 3D space. You know: 1- the axis of rotation (it must be normalized) 2- the center of the rotatio…
I think that the essential formulae are there but anyone can add some more. The possibilities are illimited. Here is an example: this script discovers…
plane and plane: Plane-Plane Intersection : find the line which is the intersection of 2 planes p1 : a point of the plane 1 n1 : the normal of the pl…
Thanks guys jman: The tolerance seems to work for me, but I use rather the function in cases where the line is not parallel to the plan. Can you giv…
plane and line: Line-Plane Intersection : intersection between a line and a plane fn planeLineIntersect planePoint planeNormal linePoint lineVector …
plane and point: Point-Plane Projection : find the point on the plane ABC which is the projection of the point D fn pointPlaneProj pA pB pC pD = ( …