Thanks for your replies. thats to bad, never thought about some topological informations. But it’s clear.
What is “delegate”? If it is an object, try delegate.material.refraction_fogColor = color 255 0 0 or for the MaterialEditor: MEditMaterials[activeMEd…
Hi labbejason, many thanks. Your second solution works great for me!
I have no clue with mi-files. I hope, I’ll find a MaxScript solution…
I’ll take a look to Bobos BFF, thanks for the hint. I need it for a mr material database with max, maya and maybe xsi users. I have to read out all m…
I want find out all mr Arch & Design settings included maps and their submaps. My only problem is that I can’t find out how to get these submaps i…
Hi Gravey, your Script works very nice. But for me it’s quite useless because the Script don’t write down where are these submaps connected. E.g. a m…
PiXeL_MoNKeY: What was posted will only grab the maps inside the searched map/mat, if that map/mat has a submapmat they will not be searched. Exa…
Hi U.S.S. Speed, to get the submaterials of a Sub/Multi Mat is simpel. But I need the maps of a material, for example MyObject.Material.color_map… an…
Hi Adam Pletcher, that’s not this, what I want. I tried this example but it doesn’t work because the Value Temp is at least 15.62 and this will be as…