use the parameter: modal:true
even simpler: for i in $pointO_* do rotate i (angleaxis spnDeg.value [0,1,0]) of course it’s the same as labbejason’s solution and it’s always a goo…
Well the texture map doesn’t have a single solid color, does it? You can get close to the average color of a texture by rendering it with 1x1px size u…
you mean diffuse color, or diffuse texture map?
Hi Claude, Believe me, I did read what you posted. The problem is, I do not always understand everything. I’m an architect, not a programmer. What I’…
Hi Caprier, Thanks, I’m going to experiment with getVertexGeomIndexFromFace() I’m pretty close to achieve what I want (UV to XYZ worldcoords) without…
OK I understand that. Where I’m stuck is this: Each (bitmap) texture is 2d/XY/UV. As long as the mapping goes UV without W (W=0), then it’s no problem…
Hi Batigol, Thanks for your interest. I’m almost there, the result is in a new thread:
still no luck, but now I used the “slower” method described on the site: ( local meshObj = $Plane001 local theChannel=1 local UVsearch=[0.02,0.019…
Thanks for the link. I tried to put that into a script but no success yet. I don’t quite understand yet how this algorithm is supposed to work, but I’…
Yes that sounds good. I’ll figure out the barycentric coordinates stuff. Where I’m stuck is the first step, I have no idea yet how to find the corresp…
Hi Matan, I’ll try to be more clear… I don’t know if it’s possible for a script to fetch all currently open scripts in the msx editor. I’m sure Deni…
great stuff! some ideas that come to my mind (not sure if first one is possible): -) don’t manually browse for script, but use the open script (tabs…