It’s better to avoid scripted modifiers. They have ugly limitations, like scripted materials. The only thing you can do with a scripted modifier is ch…
Thanks for the code and suggestions, I managed to do what I wanted, although it was much harder than I expected: –Map colors extractor — –INST…
yeah, that’s interesting…what I’m looking for is a more “analytical” approach though… kind of like intersect ray but for maps… thanks anyway!
Hi Johan, I’m not sure how your script works, but it sounds interesting! The boxes are only for visualisation of the problem. What I really want to d…
that’s pretty cool. have you thought about using scripted manipulators, instead of helper objects?
that’s pretty cool! maybe a few too many creation click steps, from a usability point of view?
put the macroscript code into a notepad textfile, rename it from “xxx.txt” to “xxx.mcr”. put this file into 3dsmax/scripts/startup/ after restarting …
I’d use a dynamically loaded additional rollout, similar to the UI in the environment/effects dialog.
So here is the solution: fn getPolyMeshObjectFaceSelection obj = ( with undo off with redraw off ( tempEditablePoly=copy obj convertToPoly…
Hi Denis, Doesn’t work unfortunately: test=Teapot() select test modPanel.addModToSelection (Edit_Poly ()) ui:on subobjectLevel = 4 $.modifie…
My wishlist would be: -) Real world coordinates support for all maps, especially Gradient. Personally I’m a big fan of the Gradient map, because of …
Funny that you think it’s simple…I don’t think it’s simple at all, especially with a script. Doing ray intersection tests is slow with maxscript, and…
With oder max versions you could use your own string for the undo stack, now it always shows “MAXScript”. I think it’s a bug.