denisT: the new generation of mxs scripters doesn’t use it any more. but i as an old school guy still do. You’re joking are you? Unless I’m gett…
Well, looking at the SDK blogs, things might be moving the direction of python:
It might be worthwhile to check out the Function Publishing mechanism in the SDK. This will take care of type checking and conversion from mxs to C++ …
Yes, don’t keep them in that other place Installing a macroscript should be done by evaluating it from a temporary source or script (thus creating a …
Aha then I misunderstood your previous post I never use include myself either.
I’m getting a bit curious about the kind of tools you guys write. 20+ KLOC? That’s rather big for a maxscript tool… Also, I don’t really see the issu…
If you just want the first node, you could probably use the First() extension method, or FirstOrDefault(), depending on your needs. If you want to ite…
PEN: I even had the wind up dancing baby on a mouse toy until my son dismantled it. I assume he’s been grounded ever since?
I’ve found that if you change the color value in p.section_title_h2 in style/med-max-html.css, this is fixed. The style for this class in override.css…
Yes this is/was an interesting project indeed. It had a bit of a revamp a few months ago when I teamed up with another mate to write a generic (cross-…
The single equals sign (=) is an assignment operator, while the one you’re looking for is the double equals sign (==), which is the comparison operato…
I think you forgot a dollar sign ($) in this line: local theDummy = Dummy005 –set dummy Assuming that an object named Dummy005 exists, it should be…
So if obj is the object you’re looking for, why not use that directly? obj.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw]
How about multiplying the spinner value by 100? on spr changed v do ( pb.value = v * 100 ) Think about what the loop in your screenshot actually …