The first thing I notice is that there is no ClassID assigned to the scripted-plugin. The classID is how Max keeps track of instances of the plug-in i…
I should have checked my assumption before I posted a comment. Thanks for the reply, Bobo.
While this is not technically recursive, you are starting at the top of the hierarchy and adding members to the array. So, say you pass $Bip01 into th…
Whenever you need to use a special character in a string, you need to precede it with an escape character, the backslash. A file path would then look…
My recollection of that script is that a sphere is created in the scene, rendered, and then deleted. It’s certainly the easiest way to acheive the eff…
local curBM; select obj; — select the object — bake the object local w = obj.renderWidth(); local h = obj.renderHeight(); if w == 0 or h == 0 then r…
Try passing the variable by reference instead of by value: on myVTile buttonup &myCanceled do ( print myCanceled if myCanceled == True do …
Sorry about that. Too much copy/paste, not enough proofreading. The openBitmap function takes only one argument, the filename, and that is not optiona…
There are two possiblities here: (1) Pass the bitmap as a bitmap instead of a texturemap, e.g, meditMaterials[2].material1.diffusetexture = ( openBi…
You’re missing a ‘t’ in the line: “lightstaus=1” so you aren’t ever changing the value of the global variable lightstatus.