My question is, what did you do with the built in Save and Load commands? Did you find a way to lock them down or did you just threaten to chain the …
I have thought of creating a save and load dialog and that would do the trick but that would not prevent someone from just using the save and open com…
Thanks but I got it all figured out. I just posted a new version that solves a small issue when you execute the rename of a layer. The fix is at my …
Well, it’s all done. TheOnion can be found on my website. I ended up getting it to work so that… [ol] [li]You could not drag a node onto itself[/li…
Pretty Ripe huh? It will be posted tonight. Thanks to you -Paul
The only problem I ran into was with the drop event. If I Dragged and Dropped onto the same object by accident it would lock up my max and I would ha…
Thank you SO much. It was the DragDropEffects that I was missing. I really appreciate it. I will let you know how it turns out. -Paul
Bobo, The developer is on the road and will get me the info I need in the next couple days (the help file does not contain what I need, undocumented …
I added a post then I realized that I was wrong and what I was doing in my script was much more complicated. But I do not see how to delete it. So… …
Wow, I put the site up well over a week ago. Is it normal for it to take that long? Try these direct links… or If those do not work then send m…
Try again. I was JUST uploading a new installer 2.06 I added a few more scripts. I may have been doing that when you tried to get to it. -Paul