Well, I got there in the end! Here’s the final solution: myArray=selection suffix = #(“square”,”circle”,”triangle”,”blob”) countNum = 1 …
OK, got the next step working, but need to learn how to do loops… This now suffixes the first object with the first array item, and then increases the…
This small update creates the correct result for the first item in the array. But all the objects get the same suffix of course. So I need a bit of a …
Thank you for your input. Here’s what I’ve been trying now. It doesn’t work, but you can see where I’m headed at least! foo = #(“square”,”circle”,”t…
You’re defining morphMaster and morphSlave at the beginning there, but then not calling them in your wiring command. So, if you only want to do this a…
Ah, I was so close, and yet so far. That’s brilliant! Thank you very much.