Hi there, Just wondering if anyone could help out, we are having a little trouble getting a script to work as a macroscript. It seems to work fine if …
Thanks man that worked a treat and now I have a nice little floater. Cheers you rock !!!
Ahh, wahoony, one more question if you have the time. Is it difficult to add some extra bits and pieces to an existing rollout/custom attribute. I onl…
Hey there wahooney, Just tried out that script, it works fine and your right it is easy! I’ve been using that as a bit of a template and editing it a …
Well i’ve never wriien my own custom attributes before, it seems kinda scarey. But i’d basicly like to have a button that would run a standard macrosc…
I can do them on the toolbar ok but I wanted to add one to a characters attribute holder modifier, you know like how you can add sliders and stuff? So…
Yeah, I had bit of tread trouble too :), Thanks for the reply however we are already setting it up in a similar way but it still seems to ignor the ca…
Save selection always brings in other objects that aren’t selected, things that are linked or loosely related even. It also doesn’t save a thumbnail w…
Thanks for sending that through, I’ll check it out and see how it goes. I’m looking at the script now but i’m not very good at these things so it will…
hey Fabman… w…wwwhat’s going on? Could you please send though that file. I’m desperate man!!!