Hi MarcoBrunetta. I check something about it in internet, the answer is right, but when i run the code: encryptScript = “E:\\scripts\\mytool.ms” O…
Thank you thorsten… it counld’t work too…but the error is : –Syntax error: at bad, expected <factor> –In line: <<
Yes…thank you msmith81
Maybe i said it not clearly… I want to put material on obj… i just get the obj name: nam1 = getfilenamefile maxfilename nam2 = substring nam1 1 (n…
Thanks Pen… I solved it use “getSavePath”… But can you give me many advice about the second problem?
Hi all , nobody answer me? I try to run,but didn’t get. [b]loadMaterialLibrary “C:\\Standard_Material_SE.mat” false[/b]
rollout mat “Material” ( button click1 “RGB_Multiply” width:110 height:25 pos:[10,50] on click1 pressed do ( nam1 = getfilenamefile maxfile…
HAHA…denis, you edited it faster than me…:rolleyes: I study a lot today from you…And you’re considerate ,I’m not only solved my proglem,but also got…
And if i want to make it find the texturemap itself and give the .dds file on “map1” itself ? (I know the path , but i don’t know its name, and i kno…
denisT: meditMaterials[1].diffuseMap = RGB_Multiply () — RGB_Multiply is a class meditMaterials[1].diffuseMap.map1 = Bitmaptexture fileName:”Z:\Te…