Thanks a lot! It really is quite fast, even with a 50/50 plane and lots of spheres:) Finally I’d like to write a tool that lets you pick source and t…
It would definitely work, but there are many files to merge and resave, then I thought about the idea of editing without opening in the UI. It’s not t…
More interactive than keys, scripted ops work great. By the way…I had the same experience with freaked bezier handles:)
Thanks, I know I can key positions but looked for some more interactive way. Now I set it up using a scripted op on some helper obj. modifying my spli…
GOTCHA! Hehe, I went mad and desperate! This is a rough and ugly prototype of what I need… a carve SOP in max…a slider that lets you control the leng…
Sorry, I misread your post rushly and tried to be a smartass:) There seems to be no logging of scaling nor rotation. There always is “outline” for uni…
It does! macroScript repeat category:”kojak How To” ( $.faceExtrudeHeight = 9.58904 $.EditablePoly.buttonOp #extrude $.outlineAmount = -15 …
Thanks for your replies, I’ll never gain decent programming experience:) I’ll wait a bit with this book, have ordered maxscript for max 8 today. Thank…