Thanks for the info swordslayer. your infos are very helpful
Thanks swordslayer…this is what i’ve been looking for…i referred to MXS Reference but didnt cover this… Thanks again mate
DotNet Tab control tutorial here Created by PEN Productions
Thanks for the Info Pjanssen
Thanks swordslayer…i always run max as administrator…your code helped… this is how i used first time which was not working… try destroydialog test c…
Swordslayer: It’s still the same problem, the ini filename is outside the function so it can’t work, you’re just creating a new local one inside tha…
Thanks lo…i made like this but still not working try destroydialog test catch () rollout test “” ( button btn “Save” label lbl “Successfully saved”…
Thanks denist…i dont know how to use dotnet in maxscript…do you know any basic tutorials on the net about dotnet and Maxscript
This is what i wanted…Thank you Grak…
can u please post the code here. I dont know Dotnet controls
yes denisT. i want to create a rollout (dialog (window) style) with uh…for eg: a black color title bar like glass