Thanks, yeah that seems to fix it, I had tried using both the redrawviews and completeredraw separately before when trying to solve it, without any su…
Ok I see,thanks. Tough I still have no idea why the “ViewCubeOps.SetCurrentViewAsHome()” don’t work when part of other code. Here is the code: (3Ds …
Thanks, perfect
Yeah, that also works, and sure its definitely better to try writing as clear as possible, but thats just kind of how I write stuff, so at least i’m c…
Well here is how I ended up using it : ar_count_fetch = (execute (“$” + “hold_point_”+ ((ar_get_curent_Selection[i].name)as string) + “*”)); temp_poi…
Thanks, yeah I probably wouldn’t do that, I just created that as example cause I couldn’t figure out any other way to solve that other than the “remov…
well here is another example, lets say I want it to create multiple new unique variables like this: ar_get_curent_Selection = (selection as array); …
thx, that could be useful to know in the future for stuff, but not really what I’m trying to ask, these examples is very simplified and are just set u…
nvm solved it. myMultiDimArray = #(#([1,0,5],[0,0,50]),#([2,0,5],[0,0,7]),#([3,0,5],[0,0,20]),#([4,0,5],[0,0,30]),#([5,0,5],[0,0,45]),#([6,0,5],[0,0…
How would I do to sort the sub-arrays in an multi-dimensional array by a value in the sub arrays? Example: myMultiDimArray = #(#([0,0,1],[0,0,50]),#…
Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for