well I thought the “test mesh” mesh in the image was easy enough to replicate, its just a box with couple of edge loops then copy that box a few times…
Thanks, he definitely no need to apologise for “misreading” my first post, all attempts of trying to help are appreciated I tried your second code, …
I’m looking at this (and I might be missing something) but dont this just flip random polys individually similar to my script, not the actuall uvs per…
Thanks, yeah grouping functions in to a struct fixed the problem of them returning undefined though it created a bit of a problem with my rollout stuf…
DaveWortley: myStruct = ( pos = [0,0,0] dir = [1,0,0] ) myVal = myStruct() Hope this helps. Thanks, exactly what I were looking for P.S: H…
Ok thanks that worked
thanks, well its just an test example to try figure out how to do it, i kind of figured it needed to be global, but I had just tried: global fn main_f…
Or another option is just not allowing selecting that object. myTeapot = teapot(); — creates an “undeletable” teapot fn check_if_sel_fn = ( if (…
Thanks, did not know about the callbacks in maxscript this is gonna be super useful for stuff I have planed doing in the future, and here is how I use…